We will clarify the quality level required via meeting and reflect it in the equipment selection internally.
We will also utilize our procurement capability, consider restrictions on the country of origin, and realize cost competitiveness based on “suitable materials, quality, and price.”
We design the control internally and manufacture the control panel. We respond to control demands with a view to the overall configuration of the plant, not standalone.
Compatible with each major PLC.
One-stop service
In the case of prototype production or the first product, unexpected improvement items can appear during testing and trial operation.
In addition, there can be modifications in consideration of local usability.
Since we handle both mechanical and electrical from design to manufacturing, assembly, and subsequent maintenance, we can reflect these improvement and modification items in the product in a timely manner.
Operations and training
We will conduct on-site operation of manufactured equipment and jigs or training on how to use them for workers.
1-10-1, Shichinomiya-cho, Hyogo-ku,
Kobe, Japan 652-0831
TEL: +81-78- 652-3151